Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Hubby Convinced

I have been trying to get my darling husband to make me a yarn swift. He didn't understand why he should be making something like that. Here is how I convinced him that it was really important.

It's so wonderful how an object lesson can be so helpful in teaching our husbands what is important. Do you think it would work with dishes.
I learned a new technique today. I went to our local quilt shop and found out they are selling yarn. I got a ball of the yarn that has aloe in it. For 20 dollars I am not sure if it's worth it but it's soft and makes my hands feel good. I am working on Mag Knits Jaywalker socks. I am using the magic loop. I had my doubts about it but WOW its easy and fun. I have about 800 UFO's around here and my goal NEXT YEAR!! is to finish all my projects .. at least before I start two more. Grad school has put a too large dent in my knitting time. Reading and writing is making me crazy. SO at least this weekend I get to go away and spent some time (13 hours in the car) to do some knitting. Did I mention 13 hours ONE WAY. Just me hubby and the dog. Going to Maryland and cant' wait. I'm going to just relax. Pictures from the trip when I get home. Maybe even a new LYS in Frederick, MD.
Happy Thanksgiving All

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